The Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK) yesterday launched a massive public awareness campaign on land laws. Many land-related grievances in the country, some of them dating to as far as the colonial era remain unresolved, much to the frustration of land owners.

A good number of the unresolved issues are due to the lack of understanding of land laws and regulations in Kenya and the shifting nature of land conflicts. 

Even though there has been constitutional and legislative intervention in attempts to address these issues, the bulk of the work sits pretty. For this reason, ISK seeks to sensitize all stakeholders, particularly the members of public including the landowners, policy makers and the professionals both in public and private sector with a target of reaching 70% of all regions within Kenya.

ISK says that objective of the awareness campaign is to enable proper sensitization and information dissemination at both the National and County levels. ISK Chairman Abraham Samoei launched the campaign during the Ministry of Lands and Physical planning Leadership Forum where he distributed 600 copies of the handbook to attendees.

“This campaign is a response to the cry by the local mwananchi in understanding and appreciating the recently enacted laws governing land issues in Kenya. Many a time, the information is not accessible on the public domain hence many get defrauded and frustrated in many land transactions. We also believe that this move will enhance smooth implementation of land laws by the various authorities for the benefit of the members of public. The booklets which were distributed today shall also be availed to the members of public free of charge during our outreach workshops as well as a downloadable copy from our website,” he said.

Apart from launching the publication, ISK has initiated dialogue and partnerships with the National and County governments with a view of guiding land policy formulation, in addition to conducting land education and awareness clinics across the country to educate and provide vital information to the general public on land matters as well as other state actors and professionals. The body will be holding its 50-year celebration in May.

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